Together Dave and Christian, D and I spent 10 days vacationing out West. No recap here can do it justice, so I’ll keep this exceptionally short.
We started with three days in Vegas. Despite the ridiculous computer problems plaguing the MGM properties, there were amazing days at the pool, (less amazing for me) nights in the casino, a couple awesome meals, and a huge 1400 sq ft 2-bedroom suite complete with five TVs. From there we drove to the Grand Canyon (by way of bits of Route 66). We caught the canyon at dusk, spend the night there, and got up early to catch the sunrise the next day. After breakfast and more site-seeing we hit the road again.
We spent the next three days in Sedona enjoying some great meals, a 4×4 Jeep tour, some hiking and rock climbing, and another pool. After those three days, we took another roadtrip to Tucson along a very scenic (read: long) route. We all expected boring stretches of desert, but instead we saw so much variety in the Arizona landscape. There were mountains, and in the higher elevations, pine forests, areas scorched by forest fires in years past, and eventually the Saguaros.
We spend our last three days of vacation in Tucson staying at some multi-million dollar residence on the side of Tuscon’s highest mountain. Those three days continued with more of the same awesomeness: pools, amazing food, and hiking (with disc golf in the desert!).