A loaded six string on my back…

The holidays were great. D really surprised me this Christmas by giving me an awesome Breedlove acoustic guitar. I’ve been involved with percussion for about 28 years and piano/keyboards for about 21 (though both fairly on and off). Most of that time I’ve never been a big guitar fan. But just over the last year, I’ve started to come around, thinking it’d be interesting to finally tackle the most popular musical instrument of our time. I’ve flirted with the instrument a couple times briefly in the past. Just enough to appreciate the learning curve, then ran back to more familiar ground.

So with sore, deadened fingertips I’m giving an honest go of it. I practice 20-30 minutes a day, sometimes a little more, left hand willing. It’s cool to see so much familiar terrain (like chords and scales) in such a foreign setting. I’ve only scratched the surface and the number of fretboard variations (like chord augmentations and inversions) already blows my mind. I’m not sure if I’ll ever write music from a guitar, I have always approached that very differently, but it’ll be great to add into things I do (or even just play various songs to relax). Here’s to new skillz for the New Year!

One Response to “A loaded six string on my back…”

  1. Psolaris says:

    Pretty soon you'll be a one man band with all the instruments you can play. 😉

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