
I don’t normally pay much attention to The Oscars (or any award shows for that matter), but this year I thought I’d catch up on the many movies I missed in 06 by watching a number of nominated films before the awards on the 25th. Maybe it has something to do with having a nice home theater this year 🙂 None the less, here’s a brief rundown on what we’ve watched lately:

The Departed

Here’s a movie I didn’t have very high hopes for, but was surprising good. Nothing too outside the Hollywood box with this one, but well done for a crime drama. Jack’s always a joy to watch and DiCaprio was surprising good. I wouldn’t give a statue to Markie Mark for best supporting, his character was way too flat. On the other hand, it’s a prime candidate for Best Director; it’s due time for Scorsese to pull one in.

Little Miss Sunshine

Not a bad pic by any means, but Best Picture? I don’t see it. The flick would be a great comedy if it weren’t so serious, but still watching the ensemble mess of a family was entertaining. It’s kind of a typical road trip movie – actually reminded me of Lampoon’s Vacation, without the Kristy Brinkley subplot. In summary, I’d recommend it, but I’ve see better comedies and better dramas this year.

The Queen

Another surprisingly good pic. All the buzz about Helen Mirren is justified. She really delivered on this one. After her, I think the acting drops off quickly, but it’s her movie so that’s OK. I wonder how this movie was received in England where the viewers are closer to the events and royals. For me and Donna I think it was as educational as it was entertaining. Best actress – yes, Best pic – nope.


Very much in the style of Crash which won last year, but I really dug the global backdrop to this movie. Intertwined stories with enough meat for interesting discussions. I thought some of the political commentary was a bit heavy handed, but not far off the mark, while other themes were left pretty raw without a lot of message handed to you. The Japanese story line was among the more interesting – there was a little more intrigue and depth of character there I think. Some of the sequences and shots were very memorable (like the night club in Japan). Well deserving of the Best Editing nomination and maybe either Supporting Actress…not my favorite movie this year, but out of the nominees probably my choice for Best Pic.

Pan’s Labyrinth

My top pick for the year. Only it wasn’t nominated for Best Pic! I’m sure not having much of a box office presence has a lot to do with it. And yes, you have to read subtitles for two hours. It should at least pick up a few other awards as a consolation (Best Foreign Language Pic, Cinematography, Makeup, Art Direction…). I loved the play between fact and fantasy and the darkness and danger on both sides. It has the hallmarks of kids’ movies these days, but assembled into a film for adults.


One Response to “Oscarpalooza”

  1. JJB says:

    You watch way too many movies. 😉

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