Got about 2 hours of shut eye last night, and I’m up even later tonight (5:30am now). I competed in two tournaments today: the first was a silly ~100-person version of rock-paper-scissors. I made it into the top twelve, but then my luck turned. Congrats to Rob for making top six and landing a free PC game.
Second tourney was BF2. It’s set up as best of 3 between two teams of 9. I’m playing with Team WONK. About four of the guys are from Chicago (three below) and play together regularly; the rest of us were drafted on the team. We played some practice rounds and discussed strategy and everyone has a clearly defined role. After losing the first round 10-0 (that’s a close game in BF terms), we went on to win the next two ~50-0. Kick ass! I held up my end – second in scoring for both wins. Next round is tommorrow (later today) at 4pm. See an article on the first round here:
Unfortunately with eveything else going on I had to miss the 1v1 Starcraft tourney and the Texas Hold’em tourney. There is a TON going on here!
A new addition this year is the BYOX section. Gamers bring their Xbox or Xbox360 and hook up to provided TVs. The rows of big-ass TVs are pretty impressive.
Hard drive is digesting lots of yummy nuggets…getting full.
Tags: Lanwar